Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Ready for Rain!

The sun came out today and as I have come to expect of most British people I know, every single one of my colleagues went for a walk during their lunch breaks and upon their return released a moan/sigh noise which sounded somewhere in between post-orgasmic bliss and as if they'd just been treated to a free massage (they are always better if they're free, aren't they?).

Being naturally disagreeable, it got me wishing for rain and thinking of one of the best things about living in what is often considered a rainy place - the ease at which you can justify buying multiple cute umbrellas, even if they are insanely overpriced!

Here are a few that are so cute, you may even join me and wish for rain!

Mademoiselle Young Miss $72.00
Lulu Guinness Birdcage by Fulton £32.00
Lulu Guinesss

Lulu Guiness Cameo Stripe Eliza £35.00
Lulu Guiness
Pasotti Rosa Turquoise £250.00


  1. I love that Pasotti Rosa one! My fave umbrellas are by Chantall Thomass.

    See here: http://www.chantalthomass.fr/les-collections/les-parapluies-chantal-thomass.html#/les-collections/les-parapluies-chantal-thomass

    and here: http://www.brolliesgalore.co.uk/acatalog/CHANTAL_THOMASS_UMBRELLAS.html

  2. Oooo I love love love cute umbrellas and rain! The Mademoiselle Young Miss is my favorite here!
